
Friday, February 15, 2013

A closet full of joy

I posted a picture earlier today.
The picture below.
My beautiful girls dressed in their own creations.

Charlotte in her favourite tee shirt. A cute tee with a picture of people carrying umbrellas in the rain. It is embellished with some gold and silver glitter. She matched it with a pair of stretchy jeans and a tutu. She wanted her hair to be up, with clips in it.

Chloe found a pair of pink tights and her 'sun' tee shirt. It is her favourite. She says it looks like the sun and summer. She was insistent she wanted her hair down with a head band. The way her hair was naturally falling was flipped out. It resembled a vintage hair style. She had a very 60's style to her today.

I asked my girls why they chose these outfits. They simply told me it was their favourite stuff and they liked it.
It made them happy.

I was thinking about it all day.

I want to dress like that.

A tee shirt that reminds me of summer.
Colourful skirts because they make me feel like a princess.
My favourite stuff on, just to make me happy.

Simply dress in a way that produces pure joy!

My girls didn't think about if what they chose was the most stylish choice or did they worry about their outfits ability to flatter their bodies. They don't think like that. Their minds are too pure. They have not been jaded yet by our society and its obsession on negative body image. They are not yet trying to maintain the impossibly high standards set for woman.
They only know how they feel and act on it accordingly.
Innocent and pure.

Oh, To feel that freedom of choice.
To know that lightness.
To have the monkey off our backs.
You know that monkey, that nagging presence telling us we are not good enough
How exhilarating that must be!

I want that freedom. To be able to own my choices and act purely and innocently.

"If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shoddy furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies. . . . It would be a sad situation if the wrapper were better than the meat wrapped inside it."
-Albert Einstein

Much love,


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