So it is only a week and a bit till New Years day (I know, I know I am already skipping over Christmas...but bear with me)
and all I can think about is.....
In previous years I tend to spend alot of time thinking about what I am going to change in the new year.
And the year is no different. Yesterday at work I was thinking about what I wanted to change about my life and myself come the new year (I am always thinking about change, I am Sagittarius, It is one of our may qualities, "To enjoy and crave change") and I had a list that felt a mile long.
It was kind of depressing. Thinking that I wanted to change so much about my life.
but you know what....
I am NOT going to try and change everything about myself because I think I could possibly be "better". I am who I am.
I am a loud, tornado like woman who can be grumpy sometimes (OK...alot of the time :) . I am a person who is selffish on occasion, and can be quite bull headed. I am highly sensitive and passionate about the things I care for. I can be bossy, overdemanding and overbearing but like I said earlier, that is me. I have always been like this.
So why do I expect that a new year will change that?
I am sure I am not the only one who is to over critical of themselves.
So Why do we do this to ourselves?
It feels like we are constantly trying to grow as people and change certain personalty traits, but at what point are we allowed to just be in the moment of who we are now. When can we just accept that this is me?
I do understand that we need a certain level of drive to change and excel as a person but maybe it is just a little too excessive. We are not perfect and our "negative" qualities make us who we are just as much a our "positive" qualities too.
So I concluded, I am only going to have one new year resolution this year, to smile and enjoy the moment more.
(and why wait, I might as well start today :)
Much love,
PS. Merry Christmas Eve! I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season with family and friends! Enjoy every moment for what it is!
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