
Saturday, January 15, 2011

My own happiness project

I am reading this great book called "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin. Today was a slow day at work so I was able to get a couple hours of reading in, I am feeling very inspired right now!

In her book, Gretchen Rubin is chronicling her own happiness project. She decides that over a year she is going to "reconnect" to the things that can make her happy in her life. I am only about half way done the book but I am loving her book. Her style of writing makes me feel like I am reading about a good friend. She is funny and insightful. I highly recommend it!

It has inspired me to reevaluate my life. Her book speaks to me. She says in the first part of the book how she isn't depressed, she has a great life. She has two wondeful daugthers, a husband who loves her, she lives in her favorite city (New York), and she has a good job, but she still feel like soemthing in missing. She says that she has more anger then she would like, she loses her temper to easily and nags to much. she feel like she is missing out on life and it is passing her by.
I tend to feel very similar to that.

I have a great life. I have wonderful children, a great husband, fanatastic friends and family and a job that I enjoy, so why do I sometimes feel like something is missing?
I nag way to much, I am quick to judge, I lose my temper and in all that I miss precious moments of life. I want that to change.

I am going to create a  plan to have a more fulfilling, happy life. A life in which I cherish the precious moments I have been given. I am blessed to be in such a wonderful life. I am healthy and have many people around me who love me, I am going to treasure that more and stop taking advantage of it.

We get back what we put out in to this world, and reading Gretchen Rubin's book has made me realize that I do not always like what I put out into the world.

I am going to focus on changing a few of my "bad" habits that are hindering the happiness that I can put out into the world.

Here is a list of what I feel is important for me to change:

  • I  want to stop nagging so much, especially with my husband. Adults (or children for that matter) do not need to be nagged at.
  • I want to stop losing my temper to much.
  • I want to stop gossipping to much. I judge to quickly.
  • I want to stop worrying about insignificant things. It devours my energy and makes me exhausted, and when I am tired I am much more grumpy.
  • I want to stop swearing. I do not like that use curse words so often.
  • I'd like to deepen my spirituality
  • I'd like to further my professional portfolio (more courses, more focus, etc.)
  • I want to be a friend to my friends that I would love to have
  • I want to be a better daughter, wife, sister, mother and pet owner.
  • I want to appreciate my daughters innocence more.
  • I want to harbour my creativity more through writing
  • I want to have more fun
  • I want to let go of  my insecurities
  • I want to do something that scares me
  • I want to learn who 'Jessica' is and what she wants out of life
There is a lot I want to do with my own project!

I want to change my outlook on life. I want to give the world what I want in return. I want to treat people as I would like to be treated. I want to enjoy all the moments of my life with no restriction. I want to live in the moment. I want to live with a full feeling of happiness and I know I can do that.

I am going to use my blog as a way to document how I am doing with this. I feel like that will be very helpful for me on this journey. I do not want to change myself as a person, I like me, I just want to have a healthier outlook. This kind of goes hand and hand with my new year resolution to be healthier. Not only am I becoming a healthier body but I am creating a  healthier attitude.

The inner dialogue in me is saying that is kinda self righteous of me to think people actually care about my journey. It is hard to tell it to "Shut up" but i figure if you get bored of listening about my stories and journey toward becoming a better me, then you will just stop reading.  But I do hope you join me, maybe there is a few things you want to do better as well. we can do it together!
Research says that we are much happier when we have someone to keep us company in our task, and this is no different.

Well here goes. My first day of being a happier me.
Wish me luck!
I will keep you posted!

Much love,



  1. Good for you Jessica! It sounds like a tall order but when you put one thing in motion, the others tend to follow.
    If you'd ever like to discuss, I'm on a similar spiritual journey myself and would be happy to share some of the tools that I use on a daily basis to stay in the moment and connected to a Greater Good.

  2. Barb,

    It is a long journey, but I am prepared(I think:)

    I would love to chat about our own individual journey's sometime. Everything seems alot more 'doable' when you have people working along side you.
