
Monday, February 28, 2011

What a wonderful time!

I have been quite a blog slacker for the past week and a half. Shame on me!
I had slept in a bunch of mornings last week.
I guess I needed my sleep.

Well here I am today, 5:39 am and ready to write.

This weekend was a wonderfully busy weekend. We had my godsons baptism on Saturday (with a wonderful celebrations after) and the girls baptism on Sunday.
It was great!
Baptisms are such happy events. The blessing of a precious child is one of the best reason to celebrate.
It was great to have a jam packed weekend of celebration. Lots of family and friends, lots of food and lots of laughs!

(input funny story:  This has no relevance to my blog post, but it just happened and there is no one up to share in the humour of this story with me, so I am going to write it down.
I just went upstairs to the twinies room because there were some squawks on the monitor. I found Chloe standing at her crib with her head resting on the frame and her  blanket covering her head. She was moaning but still sleeping. Poor thing was probably so confused, I actully have no idea how she stood up in her sleepy state and was able to throw a blanket over her head....oh my girls :) )

Back to the weekend of wonderful celebration.
After the girls baptism, we had a reception at my moms house. There was probably 25 people packed in the living room and dining room at my parents. It was hilarious how full it was, but it didn't appear like anyone minded. There was lots of  food, drink and wonderful people. It was one of those shindigs that was just perfect. The adults were eating and being merry and the children were laughing and playing. Conversation was wonderful, the energy was relaxed and happy, and everyone seemed content. It was a day that feeds your soul with light and happiness.

The girls were 'rockstars' during it all. They lapped up the attention and were just perfect. Even though they were exhausted, they didn't let it bother them.  It was wonderful to see them so happy. Actually, all the kids who were there seemed happy.
There is truly nothing better then to watch then a happy child. Their happiness is one of the most contagious things!

After about 3 hours of sunday afternoon partying, The guests started to head on their way. Some needed to get home for nap time, others needed  to drive back to school but most headed out to progress with the rest of their day.
The girls finally allowed us to put them down for a nap and a few of us stuck around upstairs with the leftover food and a few drinks. It was my uncle Johnny, aunt Jocelyn, stepdad, cousin Casey and her boyfriend Skylar, cousin Kelly, my mom, my sister Meg and her husband Mur (for a bit), Court and myself that stayed sitting around the round table in my parents living room.

It started of as a conversation like any other. I think we all planned on saying a few things about the baptism then saying our good byes and heading out, but that did not happen.
It turned into one of those unexpected afternoons were you realize you all have been talking and laughing for 4 hours and you feel wonderful.
It was one of those afternoons that brings you so much closer to the ones you love.
It created memories and laughs.
The conversations made you realize things you have been missing and reminded you to take your blinders of and notice more.
It made us remeber and reminise.
It made us realize that we really are not that different from one another.
Not once did you look at your watch (except when we realized the babies were still sleeping and we needed to know what time it was so we could marvel it the epicness of their nap.)
Not once did you wish you were somewhere else.

You were where you are supposed to be.

It was one of those days that made you realized how lucky you are to have such wonderful people in your life.

This weekend rejuvinated me. This weekend made my soul sing. It reconnected me to the important people in my life and my childrens life.

The moments of this weekend fill my spirit with wonderful memories and feelings, from the beautiful baptimsal ceremony of my godson Cameron on Saturday night to the jokes and laughs during of conversations around the table at my parents on Sunday afternoon and everything in between.

The memories I cherish (from days like this weekend) help mould the person I strive to be and the happiness that I feel.

I wish you all a wonderful day!

Much love,


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