
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A new attitude

I have changed my blog a bit. 
I have changed the name and address. 

First off I found it inappropriate to call the blog "morning meditations".
I don't blog in the morning. 
I used to blog in the mornings, but for some reason that has changed...
If I am up before the girls, I enjoy quiet 'non-thinking' time. 
or the girls are up with me and we are too busy for me to blog. 

Secondly, I did some changes because as I posted earlier I was having some issues with identity lately. 
I realized that I am a Stay at Home mom.
This role comes with some awesome rewards but as well some major frustrations along the way. 
I have previously stated my lack of self and fear of losing who I am. 
But I think by maintain things I love, just adapting them to this (kinda) new role I play will help me to feel at peace with where I am. 
I love to write. 
So blogging helps me to feel like me. 
Like the person I strive to be. 

I think blogging mid afternoon while the kids nap, keeps me sane. 
Recharges me and reconnects my spirit to my role and to myself. 

Thirdly, I like connecting to others to. 
I miss that about not working outside my house. 
My connections to others in the outside world are much more limited. 
If blogging more often connects me to other people,
even if it means someone read this and feels the same way,
I feel part of the world in a bigger picture. 
I selfishly get to have my cake and eat it to. 
By changing up my blog and my attitude about why I write here, 
It allows me that time in the day to feel connected to the world and myself in a small way.

I think I like this new attitude :)

Totally off topic, I am pregnant as most of you know 
and this pregnancy is so much different then the last one.
I cannot stop eating!
It is wild. 
It takes all my will power to not eat every 20 minutes. 
And I choose such terrible foods. 
During this post, I ate lunch. 
I dummied 3 hotdogs and 2 chocolate chip cookies! 
It is getting kinda disgusting how much I want to eat. 
If I wanted to eat healthy stuff it would be way better, but I can't get enough junk food :(
 Anyone else out there who is pregnant or was pregnant experience the same thing?
Any suggestions on how to curb the awful/intense cravings?

I am off, 
  I wish you all a wonderful day :)

I cannot always control what is going on around me but I can always control what I think about what is going on around me.  
-Lucy MacDonald

Much love, 

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