
Monday, February 27, 2012

simple awesomness all around me!

What a beautiful morning. 
I decided to wake up on the proper side of the bed. 
The side of positivity.

This weekend was nice. 
That helped the awesome feelings this morning.
The weekend was spent with just Court and the girls. 
We stayed home all weekend, except for breakfast at my moms and a quick jaunt up to grocery store on Sunday.
It was wonderful. 
It is nice to just stay in and relax. 
Just the 4 of us. 

I spend a lot of the weekend watching the girls interact. 
With such busy weeks and the hustle and bustle of life, I don't get a lot of time to take in their wicked greatness!

Today I am going to make a list of all the little things of 'awesome'  that are making my day feel so great!

Here goes:
  • Tina Fey's book 'bossy pants': I picked it up for 40% off this Sunday. It is hilarious and makes me laugh every second page. 
  • The memory of Chloe and Charlotte this weekend playing with Court and I outside while we shoveled. We made them a hill at the end of our drive way. We kept putting them at the top of it. I would sing "King of the castle". I though it was fitting, but every time I would sing it to them they would say "No mommy, Snow White of the castle" or "No mommy, Belle of the castle" (Charlotte is Snow White and Chloe is Belle, I definitely have princesses :)
  • I crafted yesterday afternoon and finally had a wonderful use for some vintage buttons I had from 'Buttonfest'. They are adorable buttons and I am so glad I got good use out of them!
  • We got to Skype with some wonderful friends! It was a first time really skyping and it was not as awkward as I though. I hope we get to make it happen more often!
  • I have been pining for a pair of black Tom shoes and found online that they are not nearly as pricey as I thought! BONUS!

Such simple things made my weekend, will make my day, and hopefully my week feel so much more  amazing. 
Because I am geared into keeping in mind that all the simple 'awesome' things are what makes life worth living joyfully!

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
- Confucius

Much love, 


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