
Friday, October 29, 2010

She's crafty?

Can I be crafty?
I want to be :) I have all these idea's and projects bubbling in my little brain wanting to emerge and produce beautiful things...but I am still waiting for my venue to be crafty....
Over the last year, my crafty side is coming to the surface much more rapidly. I got my grandma to teach me how to knit (thanks grandma, I have alot to learn from her, she is definitely the most crafty lady I know!) 
I also have been attending workshops at Blackbird with Emily and Colleen (Two more super crafty people I know!) and have been loving creating beautiful things. Most times my projects end up looking "just OK", and I do result that in the fact that I am far cry from a perfectionist.
I just attended a workshop this week, we were making wire-wrapped jewellery. I was told that this was the craft for me, the less perfection the better! I was stoaked. Well, it was true, the more laid back you were the cooler your projects looked. I loved my final product!

 I realized that I can be a crafty lady, I just need to find a craft venue that allows me to just let the environment create the art. Nothing that requires precise skill :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My body

My body is my own.
Mine to respect.

Why do I disregard your being?

I am now here for you,
My acceptance is yours.
I am ready now.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I remember why I don't stay up late....

So we have some great friends home for a few days from BC. They are wondeful people and we really miss seeing them all the time, so while they are here we love to spend lots of time with them. Conviently their parents live next door to us and  that is where they are staying.
So last night they had a little shindig to get all the friends together and have a good time. We of course went :)
We took the twins with us, which was awesome. They were rockstars! They played for a while, ate, then cuddled with whomever wanted to cuddle and went to bed in their playpen with out a fuss. It was fantastic!
So since my babies were doing so well, I though "I don't need to rush home...I am just going to enjoy the company of my wondeful friends" and I did!
I think I might have pulled a abdominal muscle from laughing so hard, It was just a really fun night.
But needless to say, it did come to end. The babies woke up a little scared at 2 am in a new place, so the three of us headed back home. I got them back to sleep, and attempted to sleep myself. It was not easy at all! With the noise of the still ongoing party next door and the noise of my husband (who, god bless him, was trying to be quiet when he came home) I did not get very much sleep at all!
I finally fell asleep around 3:30 am, it felt wonderful. but my girls were not going to make it easy for me! Not 3 hours later were they up and ready for the day. They decided that today was going to be an early day.

So today iIremeber why it is not cool to stay up to 2 am when you are a mom. Your job never stops and unfortuatly you never get to sleep in (unlike my husband, who is still in bed :)

Much love,


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Now I am a mom...

My twin girls are 8 and 1/2 monthes old. From the moment I met them I knew my life would never be the same, not only had I met the most beautiful little girls who I loved more then I actually thought was possible, I was now a mom. While I was pregnant I used the word mom so freely. ("  can't wait to be a mom" "I am going to be the best mommy ever!"ect.) I didn't really undestand the strength of that word until I actually was given my two girls to hold and their lives were in my hands.  For a  while I wasn't quite sure if I was a good mom. I mean, people told me I was and that is was normal to feel inadequate when everything is all so new, but most times I just felt lost in the whole "mommy" world. I was so unberabley new to me. It scared me, I was just getting use to "Jess" now I had to be "Mommy Jess".

Let me paint you a picture of me before twins. I was a drama queen, I loved drama. I had been this way for as long as I can remeber. I loved hearing other peoples drama, I loved my own drama, I just loved drama! I would pick fights just to have the yelling match. I was a s*** disturber. I always wanted my way and would sulk if I didn't get it. I did my own thing whenever I felt like it. I loved my alone time. I enjoyed silence and loved to curl up on the couch on my days off and drift the day away reading a great book or watching great movies with court. I quickly learned that those qualties that I possessed did not jive well with infants.

The first three monthes of their lives I was a walking zombie. All new moms can atest to that. I did not care that I did not get to watch movies or have my alone time, or did I not worry about being a good mom, I was too damn tired to care about doing anything but functioning and making sure I kept my babies happy. 
But once my beauties grew past that 4th trimester (the first 3 months of their lives) and became a little more like kids (aka: starting to sleep more at night and less in the day), and I was slowly becoming less zombie like, I started to miss the old me and my old life just a little bit. (Now let me make something clear, I loved my new life with the twins, but I was mourning something that was lost, and like any mourning period that was tough.)

I was starting to dwell on the past and trying to figure out ways to keep that old me alive while balancing a life with baby girls. That was frustrating. I was frustrated alot. Obviously babies do not care that you do not get that extra 30 minutes in the day to do a yoga class, check your emails or read your book. They are reactive. They react to how that are feeling, if they are hungry;they tell you, if they are tired;they tell you. This is all common sense, but when you are in a place where you just want it all (your old life with your undeniable freedom and you new life with two babies strapped to your hip) you can sometimes not see this. In this stage I just doubted my ability to be a good mom. I was always thinking people were judging me and my parenting style. I was constantly doubting myself. It was tough.

Slowly I just exhausted myself to a point were I broke down all those doubts, misunderstood concepts and judgements and started fresh. I realised that I am a mom, a good mom to my girls and that I can still be "Jess" just a new "Jess". I still have my interests and favorite things to do, but I just have a little less time to do them in and that is ok. I always have to remind myself not to try and do to much and just enjoy each moment with out trying to cross everything off of my to do list. 
The girls helped me to mature. To change my selfish behaviours in to something productive and self-fulfilling. Maybe that is a part of what being a good mom is.

much love,


Sunday, October 10, 2010

My many thanks.....

I love thanksgiving. It is such a great time to reflect and realize just how lucky we are. Every other day it is so easy to live life with shutters on, doing our day to day activities and dwelling to much on the "bad" things in out lives. But on Thanksgiving we are almost forced to sit down and reflect on what we are thankful for.

What am I thankful for?

A Wonderful Family, who make me understand love :)
A Wonderful husband, who makes me laugh :)
A Wonderful pair of girls, who make my life sparkle :)
A Wonderful group of friends, who make me live :)
A Wonderful place to live, that allows me to see beauty everywhere :)

My life is full of things to be thankful for. I am very lucky Girl.

Happy thanksgiving all :)
What are you thankful for?

With love,


Friday, October 1, 2010

My New Yoga class!

I am teaching a yoga class in Almonte. I am very excited!

It is on Tuesday nights starting October 26th. It is a Goodnight Yin Class, starting at 8:15 pm. I am having it at the old town hall in the multipurpose room, it is a fantastic serene room. It has hardwood floors and looks out at the water. I could not have found a better location.

The focus of the class to relax and unwind the mind while allowing out bodies stretch and release. Yin yoga is also referred to as "quiet yoga". We focus on the "yin" of our bodies, most poses are down lying down or sitting on the mat and hold poses for 3-5 minutes. It is wonderful class and I recommend everyone to give it a try.

I can't wait to start this class, it is going to be a good one :)

If you are interested in attending, you can contact me at, but here is some more info below

where: Old Almonte Town Hall
when: Tuesday nights at 8:15 pm
(starting October 26th and running for 8 weeks)
price: $10 a class or $70 for the whole session.

Can't wait to see you!
