
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Feelings of firsts

This was a great weekend.
It was jammed packed with super awesome 'soul nourishing' events and moments.
A gong meditation to fuel my spirit.
Babysitting our great friends daughter while they enjoyed a much needed date night.
A quiet and much needed breakfast at my parents.
First 'real' crawls by my little man.
Some great quality time with my family, which included watching my husband teach my daughters to play Wii bowling. I love seeing them basking in the 'awesomeness' of their daddy, and almost just as much, I love seeing my husband shine in his role with the kids.
And if all that awesomeness wasn't enough, I got to do one of my favourite things, see a movie solo.

I went to see 'safe haven'.
It is the type of movie I tend to see alone.
Impossibly romantic, heart wrenching, and powerfully emotional.

It was typical Nicolas Sparks adaptation, predictable and very familiar, and I loved it.

I left the movie feeling reminiscent and romantic.
I was reminded of first times and the feelings that come with them.

First time he grabs your hand and caresses your palm with his thumb. How if made your heart flutter and your words disappear.

The first kiss and how he tasted faintly like scotch mints. How his embrace enveloped you with a feeling of pure safety and love like you had never experienced before.

The first time he said 'I love you' and how your world seemed to stop turning for that moment.

The first time you made up after a big fight, and you said you would never fight again, knowing you would fight again but it was ok because fighting with him was better then not having him.

The first time you knew he was the one. The straw to your berry, the apple to your pie, the peanut butter to your jelly. The other half to your soul.

I was reminded.
And how easy it is to forget.
To put away those extraordinary feelings, allowing them to simmer in the back of our psyche.

This weekend the fire in my soul was relit.
I am blessed to have been reminded.

"How far away the stars seem, and how far is our first kiss, and ah, how old my heart." -William Butler Yeats

Much love,


(He is the peanut butter, to our PB & J sandwich :)

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